Building a banging Fireworks Display!
We get it. You don’t do this every day of the year so there’s no shame in not knowing what you’re doing when it comes to fireworks and putting on a fireworks display. We’re pretty sure we couldn’t do your job either. So let us help you to spend your budget wisely and put on a banging display.
Here are our top tips:
Think about your guests!: Okay, so you love a BIG BANG. But who is attending your party? Small kids or those with some learning difficulties may struggle with loud noises. If you have a range, we suggest splitting your display to cater for those who like the smaller, prettier fireworks first. These guests can then go inside the house while the big bigger stuff goes off.
Know your garden size: Before you order check the distance required from the firework to the audience – we display this below each product. If you have a narrower garden or over hanging trees, avoid any fan barrages as these fire at an angle and may damage your neighbour’s property.
Quality not quantity: The truth is, with most things in life, the more you spend the better it is. Fireworks are no different. You can easily think you’re getting a bargain because you have 20 fireworks for your budget instead of 10 but usually those 10 fireworks will be of much higher quality and with a much better effect.
Build up: Think of a display like your favourite song. They build up slowly, gathering momentum until the beat drops or the key changes. You want to start your fireworks display off with something to get your guests’ attention – go for a ‘tap on the shoulder’-style approach rather than blowing their ears off. Fountain fireworks and/or rockets can do this nicely. Then start with barrages / cakes that are slower paced, gradually building in height, noise and tempo until you get to your finale piece.
Finale is key: This is the firework your guests will go home remembering so put your budget in here. When we design displays to a budget, we’ll start with the finale piece and work backwards. Some fantastic finale pieces are: Apocalypse Shot Barrage Fireworks and Battleship Shot Fan Barrage Fireworks.

Watch the firework videos: All of the fireworks on our website have videos. Now, we know it spoils the surprise for you, but if you’re putting on a fireworks display for others it’s best to know what fireworks you’re lighting so you can run them in the best order.
If you’d rather leave it to the pros, please give us a call and we’ll be more than happy to create you a shopping list and running order tailored to your tastes and specific fireworks needs.